Sunday, September 20, 2009

If Wombie's a boy ....

So, advice to the unborn? I've been thinking about the little guy being a guy! On the side of all this, and just between you and I, I would secretly love a little boy. I know it's the stereotypical-dad-thing and I've always rebelled against such thinking, but dammit it would be cool. The thing is that I managed to write this advice for my daughter and got stumped on the son thing. Does that mean I have some gender prejudice I need to work through? Probably! The common notion is protect your daughter, toughen your son. With that in mind, here's some advice if Wombies a boy:

1. "Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut" Ernest Hemingway said that and it would stand you in good stead to adhere to this piece of advice. For us the rule goes always do what you said you would - sober or drunk I don't care.

2. Find a beat! Drum it and live it! Anything else is a waste of time.

3. Bigger is not always better or faster. Remember that when you buy a car, a drink or take that job.

4. There is no replacing passion.

5. Your mom will tell you this a few times in your life, but it's worth it: Integrity is what you do when no one is watching! She's right you know.

6. Don't date unless you willing to marry her. Your uncle had this theory when we were growing up. Dating is like driving a car that's not yours. Don't screw it up!

7. I saw this and liked it:

Caption: Trust me, whatever I’m doing is not as important as you. That's cool!

8. Don't be too quick to want to leave the kid's table. You're fine just as you are!

9. Money's like rain. Some days it'll pour, and others it will dry up like the Sahara. Don't bank on it!

10. Aways have a friend. But when it comes to choosing friends, be specific, be loyal, be true. A person can be described by the friends they keep. There is nothing like a good friend, but you'll have to be one yourself.

11. Know what you believe and stand up for it. On this point, say what you have to say, then shut up. Always have a cause to fight and fight for what's right. When it comes to bullies, stand up to them. You'll only have to do it once.

12. Be quick to admit when you wrong. Apologise with sincerity, she''ll appreciate it in the long run.

13. You'll hear them say cowboys don't cry. It's a lie. You tell them to sit on a cactus and then talk to you. Your emotions are special. Be discreet with them, but don't hide them either.

14. Keep your eye on the ball. In life and in sports. Support a team, commit to them and stand by them. No booing at a game. Never! Shake the hand of your opponent - win or lose!

15. If you make a mistake, make it right and then get over it. There's no point in rehashing it. Move on!

16. Come home on your birthday. It will be an important day for your mother too!

17. Learn at least one dance move - even if it is from the movies Greace or Dirty Dancing.

17. Stand up when a girl or an adult enters the room.

18. When you speak, speak properly. No gangster language allowed. Don't shorten words or names when the original works just fine.

19. Not everything needs to be experienced to be true.

20. Reputation is built over a lifetime, but quickly lost if you not careful.

There are a thousand more lessons I hope the little one learns from us, boy or girl. I hope the important stuff doesn't get lost in translation.

What I've learnt so far: Quotes are easier to say than to live. I still know next to nothing!

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