Sunday, October 25, 2009

A new way to see

L and I were away for the weekend on a church (“unchurched” because we don’t go to church anymore) camp and saw people we haven’t seen in like 5 – 10 years. A blast from the past? Somewhat! Any desire to go back and do it all again? Notta chance!!!
But one of the strangest things was the amount of people who came up after finding out L’s pregnant to congratulate us and offer the now familiar:
(1) “You have no idea how much this is going to change your life”; OR
(2) “You’re not going to know what hit you”.
Great! What kind of response can you offer to information like that? I’m considering something like, “HOLY CRAP! WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW?” Not much I can do about it, is there?
But on a more important note, I wanted to write this down before I forget it. Tonight Wayne was asked how he would raise his kids now and his response went something like this:
Love them! Let them know they are loved no matter what. It is not dependant on their success or achievements or performance.
When disciplining them, do it but don’t withhold love. Discipline is important and vital to their training, but it can be a reflection of how God disciplines us.
Give them the opportunity and space to make decisions.
Teach them to be in the world but not of it; that the world requires you to work hard and be successful, but you can still escape into the safety of God’s love.
I thought it was appropriate. We have no idea how this is going to change us or affect us. All we can do is reflect the love we have for each other and that we have experienced. More than that, we're just enjoying the ride!

What I've learnt so far: People, best intentions aside, can be really stupid!

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