Monday, December 7, 2009

Oh dear

Things have been so so hectic that I just haven't had time to be here (or there for that matter). But a quick update:
1. We are in the house;
2. Boxes keep popping out of thin air (bizarre??)
3. Only one more sleep until school closes and we're free;
4. Only two more sleeps until we MIGHT be able to see if Wombie is a he/she. But we'll defintely get to see the little one again;
5. L is growing and looking beautiful (happy B-day btw);
6. We love our new house!

But I've got a few minutes until I have to be at school and this is what has tickled us pink over the last few days. These are actual testimonial comments written by our wonderful teachers:
ZB- She is a bit reserved also hard working at the same time. Has great a potential to do well in whatever she puts her mind on (put her mind on??? hmmmm ... and what's with great-a?)
NB – She is a pour (hahahaaa ) time manager , has a lot of potential and energy just needs to focus on it.
YP- Demonstrates a sod sense of humor and a high level of self esteem. (Don't we all have a "sod sense of humour" - spell it out Pillay!!!)
And our favourite:
NB – She showed a positive attitude towards he school work despite her lack of interest in it. (There are so many problems with that statement, not the least being she became a he during it!)
Oh well, it made us giggle. We're still not finished with the testimonials and so there may be a few more gems in (or is it on?) there somewhere.
What I've learnt so far:
Your little one’s head is much more in proportion to the rest of the body – looking pretty much the same as when he or “she” shall be born.
Vernix is now covering the little body – this is a creamy layer that is there to protect the skin. As you can imagine the little body is constantly immersed in the amniotic fluid.
Length should be around 25cm (from crown to rump) and the weight is probably around 1.1kg.
The bones are beginning to harden.
Hair may be growing on the little head.
Hearing is rather good at present.
The little eyes can now open and close.
What can junior do?
Responds to stimuli, even sound, light and pain.
Your little one may even suck it’s thumb or finger.
Sense of taste is very strong.
Hiccups are a common one. It is said that these are probably caused by the baby “practicing” breathing movements.
All too amazing to believe – you have a real little being inside of you – enjoy this time – it’s precious!!!
From one of the e-mails I get! Can't believe we're counting down the weeks!

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