Got there again, with L brimming at the eyes, desperately needing to pee (again!). Waited because some insentive women decided she needed a scan too - and she's having triplet.
When we finally entered the room, neither L or I knew what to expect and, being the people we are, decided to see the glass as half-empty. We went through the whole process of seeing L's enlarged bladder and then ... there b2b was - in all his/her glory face down and snuggling well. But the show was just beginning.
Doctor Debbie then offered a sneak preview into a sound that would change everything ... the heartbeat! What an incredible moment. It's a sound that is indescribable and all I could do was laugh in surprise, shock, amazement and awe! It was overwhelming to hear that sound.
Both L and I were really blessed. They say that the heart begins to beat on its own at this stage, with no connection to the brain. All I can say is that I think its another way God shows us how in control he is. This incredibly little heart beats to the rhythm of God alone!
This week, L and I have both ... in our own way ... worked through the realisation that she is pregnant ... and still early in the process with a lot that still can go wrong. But, for me, that sound cemented the concept. I could hear my baby's heartbeat and it struck a chord deep inside me. It's a sound I want to hear over and over again. I want to know this person that's growing inside L. And I want him/her to be part of our lives and our love for each other.
So when I get scared now, I remember that sound and I know that that little heartbeat I heard beating independently of a brain, is wrapped in the hands of a loving God who is ... well ... waiting to introduce him/her to us! I'm looking forward to that moment with great excitement now!
What I have learnt so far: The sound of a baby's heartbeat can drown out all the other noises in my life - even on bad days.
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