Sunday, November 1, 2009

Seeing is ...

As would happen with all things in the L and S-D-W-B (super dad wanna be) household, we could see only glimpses in the last scan. A glimpse of the head, a glimpse of the torso, and a glimpse the most beautiful legs in the world - tucked one over the other. But it was all so worth it!
The scan was all hazy and fuzzy and not even the sparkly, friendly, cheerful (said tongue-in-cheek so note the sarcasm) Debbie-the-ultra-sound-lady-with-the-happy-wand could figure out what she was looking at. She hummed and wondered and mumbled along while L and I sat with our mouths wide open in wonder.
That's the amazing thing: I don't even have to know what I'm looking at to find the experience wonderful and amazing! At one point I was looking at the stomach and thought it was the head. We even came out with a picture that neither of us know what it is. But, oh my, it's still the most amazing picture ever.
So when it came down to the sex of little wombie, L and I were left with little more than a "well I can't see any testes!" Like that helped a lot. So for now we still don't know and that's just fine. Be it a penis totting boy or a gentle barbie playing girl I don't care. It's still amazing!
What I've learnt so far:I have to check L's sanity from time to time and so have started playing a little game of "did you know ..." It goes like this: "Did you know that in a helicopter the blades are used to cool down the pilot?" or "Did you know they've now invented an inflatable dartboard" or "Did you know you can now buy a solar powered torch". It just helps to keep a check on things!

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