Thursday, December 31, 2009
Holiday blog
Place: Manaba Beach (actually it’s Bianca No. 7)
Listening to: Jesus Culture (and loving it)
… Do you remember when you’d write letters in school and start them like that? Mood … happy … I love … someone … heheee …
Anyway, L and I are away on holiday at the beach and having an amazingly relaxing time just enjoying ourselves and our last holiday alone. We’re constantly saying, “Next year this time we’ll be …” fill in the blanks with something to do with our little bundle of joy that should arrive soon. It’s the most bizarre thing and I don’t think we’ve done it since getting married. But it is very exciting.
I keep imagining us on the beach, with our little girl, looking like those happy people you see in the magazines and it got me thinking, “Will she make us happy? Does having her on holiday with us next year somehow make us happier?” It is so easy to fall into the trap of everything being about our little girl – and forgetting about LBW (life before Wombie). I don’t want to forget. I want to remember that:
· We were best friends; before we married and while we were married.
· We laughed so hard we cried.
· We fought (until I even kicked the car to prove a point).
· We could sit alone in silence and feel like the only two people on earth.
· We could talk into the early hours of the morning (and later into marriage until we fell asleep).
· Making love was the most amazing experience (PERIOD)!
We have a life and I love it. I hope and pray that our little girl will be a part of that life. That she will benefit from being around two people who loved and liked each other. That “this time next year” she will be a part of something that already existed and flourished and was fun and hard at the same time.
What I’ve learnt so far:
Date: Thursday, 17th December
Place: Manaba Beach
Time: 19:21
Listening to: Kim Walker (Jesus Culture)
Mood: So stoked
Thinking of: You
In love with: You and only you
Just wanted to say: In about 9 – 11 weeks you and I will have a beautiful little girl! I love you so much. See you in English or Maths (Yuck)!
Wha wha wha
Friday, 25th December 2009
‘twas the night before Christmas and … well not exactly. It is Christmas and all is going well. Well, not exactly … although it is Christmas it doesn’t feel like it. There’s a Christmasy feel that just isn’t here. L woke up with a sore throat this morning, it’s raining outside, and the usually Chistmasy feel just isn’t here. Not that that is a bad thing … after all, we don’t celebrate Christmas.
But it got me to thinking, as tends to happen lately for some bizarre reason. I remember Christmas growing up was a day that was so different to every other day the year, even birthdays. It was always hot. It was always loud. It was always chaotic.
Christmas was a day when we all got together. Not just brothers and sisters, but EVERYONE! It was a strange mix of people. There were of course the seven of us, and the seven from my dad’s sister’s side. But added to this were the Ellis’s (the two brats, the very loud aunt and the scary uncle who pinched bums inappropriately – although they didn’t always come) and my alcoholic grandmother (who was usually pissed by the time lunch was served) and my dad’s other two brothers (who drank just as much and were even me inappropriate), and then other people/relatives (who knew what they really were). We’d go to church in the morning (us and the other seven) and they’d get the party started early.
This I mostly remember from the time we came to South Africa until I was about ten, so there weren’t too many but they stood out for me. I can’t tell you what I got from Santa, or what we had for lunch. I can’t tell you what we did, or what was said. But I remember it all! I remember the people, all talking, laughing, telling stories and later, when enough alcohol had been consumed, the arguing. I have the memories and they are special.
There is something amazing about growing up together; fighting, laughing and living it up. I want this for our daughter. Not the hype over Christmas, or the stories of a magic-man in a red coat that brings presents, or the pagan believes. But I was the memories whoever creates them. I want the days where chaos reigns and people o stupid things and kids play together and everyone goes home exhausted (relieved they don’t have to see each for another year).
I miss those hot Christmas days where memories were made.
So … watch this space. I’ll be making big plans (my own celebrations may not be baby appropriate, but what the heck!).
What I’ve learnt so far: Dammit but the due date is getting close!
Friday, December 11, 2009
We're having a ...
What a day we had just getting to that point. Miss Destructive (a.k.a L) took it upon herself to damage the couch, the bathroom door (and previously in the week the towel rack). N on purpose, of course, but the culmination of the breakages, an e-mail from her brother, the empty petrol tank, and the impending scan caused a all meltdown in L. But on we drove, determined to see little Wombie (who may be little Ella-Reece/Rhys), L in tears beside me. Could the day get any worse. Yes it can!
Got to the doctors room, where ever-friendly Debbie (the scan-lady-with-the-magic-and) kept us waiting, then doctor had to go catch a baby and he kept us waiting, then lost in the hospital and kept waiting some more. But it was so worth it!
When we got to see he 4D scan our hearts just melted. There was the most beautiful face, and stomach, and feet, and hands I have ever seen. And 90% certain we're having a little girl. It was so overwhelming.
I struggle to imagine being a father, let alone a father to a little princess. All the things that could possible go wrong consume me. And yet, I am over the moon. To soon be her daddy! To hold this precious gift and know that I will stand in the way of anything that ever wanted t hurt her (I may be 90 years old, but I'll still kick his ass). To know that she will love me no matter what! Like I said, very overwhelming.
L's just come home, so .... gotta run!
What I've learnt so far: no matter how bad the day is, seeing her makes my heart skip a beat!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Oh dear
1. We are in the house;
2. Boxes keep popping out of thin air (bizarre??)
3. Only one more sleep until school closes and we're free;
4. Only two more sleeps until we MIGHT be able to see if Wombie is a he/she. But we'll defintely get to see the little one again;
5. L is growing and looking beautiful (happy B-day btw);
6. We love our new house!
But I've got a few minutes until I have to be at school and this is what has tickled us pink over the last few days. These are actual testimonial comments written by our wonderful teachers:
ZB- She is a bit reserved also hard working at the same time. Has great a potential to do well in whatever she puts her mind on (put her mind on??? hmmmm ... and what's with great-a?)
NB – She is a pour (hahahaaa ) time manager , has a lot of potential and energy just needs to focus on it.
YP- Demonstrates a sod sense of humor and a high level of self esteem. (Don't we all have a "sod sense of humour" - spell it out Pillay!!!)
And our favourite:
NB – She showed a positive attitude towards he school work despite her lack of interest in it. (There are so many problems with that statement, not the least being she became a he during it!)
Oh well, it made us giggle. We're still not finished with the testimonials and so there may be a few more gems in (or is it on?) there somewhere.
What I've learnt so far:
Your little one’s head is much more in proportion to the rest of the body – looking pretty much the same as when he or “she” shall be born.
Vernix is now covering the little body – this is a creamy layer that is there to protect the skin. As you can imagine the little body is constantly immersed in the amniotic fluid.
Length should be around 25cm (from crown to rump) and the weight is probably around 1.1kg.
The bones are beginning to harden.
Hair may be growing on the little head.
Hearing is rather good at present.
The little eyes can now open and close.
What can junior do?
Responds to stimuli, even sound, light and pain.
Your little one may even suck it’s thumb or finger.
Sense of taste is very strong.
Hiccups are a common one. It is said that these are probably caused by the baby “practicing” breathing movements.
All too amazing to believe – you have a real little being inside of you – enjoy this time – it’s precious!!!
From one of the e-mails I get! Can't believe we're counting down the weeks!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Next project:World Peace
It feels like a crazy time to be doing all this: pregnancy, exams, end of year schedules, etc. but it also feels so right. L keeps saying that if someone had told her at the beginning of the year that she'd be pregnant and moving she'd would've laughed at them. Well, who's laughing now? Maybe all this is tapping into my childhood love of boxes and fortresses, maybe it's the nurturing, animalistic nature in us, maybe it's just plain stupidity, but I don't care - it's fun! We have most of the house packed into boxes, but it looks more like an overflowing bathtub than a packed house ready to be moved. Stuff just keeps spilling out of the strangest places, and try as we may the house will just not empty (dammit).
Then we have the beauty of TIFA (This is *&^%ing Africa) and all bureaucratic stupidity must make a grand entrance at some point or other. Electricity is not simply something that turns on a light. No, no my friend. It is a Cecilia that sits big and plump behind a desk with her Chicken lunch (not the salad type) in hand and says with her eyes, "What can you do for me?" And how L loves a challenge. This little experience nearly resulted in us quitting the move and becoming squatters in our current residence. But, I digress!
Last night was one of those beautiful, romantic moments that rarely happen in this life. L and I went to the new house to receive the keys (the "hand-over" they call it). With all the joy of a 5-year-old at Christmas, we walked through the empty house, hand in hand, and then set the alarm (TIFA) and then strolled round the garden. Unbeknown to us (until just before it happened), we had only two minutes to get out the yard before the alarm went off. And so before we knew it, sirens were blaring and I was struggling to get back into the house. And would you know it, I broke the key. Of course! All romanticised memories quickly vanished and this left L plonked down on the step of her beautiful new house. Oh well!
Come Monday, Wombie and L will have a home and it is a beautiful one. Come what may, we'll take it in our stride. L's soldiering through and convincing me daily that she must surely be English (stiff upper lip and all).
Now for my next trick, I just need to get her to sleep the night through. Once I've accomplished that, it's off to war torn Africa to begin bringing World Peace.
What I've learnt so far: Hair growing began this morning and a change in hairstyle isn't as good as a holiday!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Boxes and varnish
The cool thing was that the whole time I was sanding (looking manly) and varnishing (looking dirty) I could only think of one thing: This is for L and Wombie. Cool little things like my finger print would land up on the varnish (by accident), or I'd leave a piece un-sanded that only I know of. Little hidden treasures of a project I wanted to do for them.
It's so strange but that is how I find myself thinking lately: what can I hide for them to find at a later stage. Very nostalgic, I know. But hey, this is my blog and I can nostalgia (???) if I so choose (and make up words too it seems).
But back to the tables - I had this constant sense of how these things create memories. Be they my own or memories we will one day make with the as-yet-unborn-one! But they're there and they're ours and no one can take that away!
L is starting to sleep like Wombie's already been born and it's so bizarre. Last night, Wombie and L seemed to be playing their own game at 1am and that was L for the night. Walked through this morning to find her passed out on the couch and all I could think was, "What did I miss and will it happen again?" But new tricks aside, L is growing and Wombie's sitting back and enjoying the ride.
As for the new house (seven days to go) there is still so much to do and Wombie's new room just has to be perfect, or close to it depending on how tired we are. It's bizarre but the thought of accumulating yet more stuff sends cold shivers down my spine and leaves me wondering if the bank is likely to continue handing out cash or will they soon lock me up. Still on the list to do:
1. paint the changing-table;
2. paint the nursery;
3. fetch the cot;
4. find a rocking-chair (of course)
5. buy 1 x pram;
6. buy 1 x camp-cot (like the little buggar's going to want to camp already);
7. buy a shit load of baby stuff (nappies, bottles, dummy, clothes, toys, etc);
8. oh and set up the new house - including unpacking the shit load that Wombie already owns.
And with L at 25 weeks this should be fun, but what the hell we've never done a normal thing before. Let the packing begin.
What I've learnt so far: (1) L finds me irresistible in my torn, dirty old jeans. Cool! (2) Wombie may be Ella-Rhys if he's a she! Could this be the name?
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The night before Wombie turned 24 weeks!
As we lay in bed, me half asleep, L getting there slowly!
WOMBIE KICKED!!! And kicked some more! and kicked some more!
And even better - I felt it right in the palm of my hand. This small tap from the inside coming up and meeting my hand!
It was so amazing that I really don't have words to describe it.
My wife and baby amaze me!
What I've learnt so far: Wombie must like my songs or the national anthem.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The boyfriends guide to pregnancy
L finished reading The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy and enthusiastically encouraged me to do the same; what was she thinking? Her reasoning: it would explain a lot.
What she failed to consider was that some things should just remain a mystery. Here is my list of what I don't think I should have found out (note I only read the first and last chapter): The girlfriends say:
1. Breastfeeding is like having an orgasm (not an association I needed to make).
2. Delivery is a scary &@%£ thing!
3. Your forgetfulness won't go away and may even get worse.
4. No sex for who knows how long after Wombie comes along - although we'll make a plan.
5. L's nipples are changing "pigmentation" (as the GF's call it).
I stopped reading for sanity's sake. It's not that I don't want to know about stuff. I just don't want to know stuff that applies to women in general. There is stuff L will experience that's fine and I wanna know about, but when it comes to associating it with all the GF's across the world, I tend to start to backstroke my way out!
For now I know all I can handle:
1. L's doing great -sore legs and back, tiredness, grumpiness, forgetfulness (and more tiredness) aside;
2. Wombies moving around and growing. I'm sure the little ones a little too comfy in there (legs up on the spleen, cushioned against other precious organs).
It's getting time for Wombie to just settle in for the next 17 or so weeks and, well grow, grow, grow. Weighing in at about 500 grams, he /she has about 3 kg's more to go and so I'm considering singing my own little lullaby (to the tune of Nkosi Sikelel' iafrica):
Sit back and relax my little one
Push against your mother's bla-a-da
Kick and kick and kick so we will know
You can play ru-u-ugby!
You can play ru-u-ugby!
Well, I'm no lyricist so that will just have to do for now.
What I've learnt so far: Way too much about women things!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Seeing is ...
The scan was all hazy and fuzzy and not even the sparkly, friendly, cheerful (said tongue-in-cheek so note the sarcasm) Debbie-the-ultra-sound-lady-with-the-happy-wand could figure out what she was looking at. She hummed and wondered and mumbled along while L and I sat with our mouths wide open in wonder.
That's the amazing thing: I don't even have to know what I'm looking at to find the experience wonderful and amazing! At one point I was looking at the stomach and thought it was the head. We even came out with a picture that neither of us know what it is. But, oh my, it's still the most amazing picture ever.
So when it came down to the sex of little wombie, L and I were left with little more than a "well I can't see any testes!" Like that helped a lot. So for now we still don't know and that's just fine. Be it a penis totting boy or a gentle barbie playing girl I don't care. It's still amazing!
What I've learnt so far:I have to check L's sanity from time to time and so have started playing a little game of "did you know ..." It goes like this: "Did you know that in a helicopter the blades are used to cool down the pilot?" or "Did you know they've now invented an inflatable dartboard" or "Did you know you can now buy a solar powered torch". It just helps to keep a check on things!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
... will we see?
Just an update - The long awaited "Boy/Girl" mystery should be solved tomorrow when we go for L's 22 week scan! It's still just as exciting and the month has gone by so quickly that I can't believe what we were thinking considering R600 for an earlier scan! Let's hope the little one opens those legs for the picture!
It's just after 6:30am and writing is not my strong point at this time in the morning - so blah blah blah .... I love my wife!
What I've learnt so far: Girl or boy, I don't care - we're having a BABY!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
A new way to see
L and I were away for the weekend on a church (“unchurched” because we don’t go to church anymore) camp and saw people we haven’t seen in like 5 – 10 years. A blast from the past? Somewhat! Any desire to go back and do it all again? Notta chance!!!
But one of the strangest things was the amount of people who came up after finding out L’s pregnant to congratulate us and offer the now familiar:
(1) “You have no idea how much this is going to change your life”; OR
(2) “You’re not going to know what hit you”.
Great! What kind of response can you offer to information like that? I’m considering something like, “HOLY CRAP! WHAT SHOULD I DO NOW?” Not much I can do about it, is there?
But on a more important note, I wanted to write this down before I forget it. Tonight Wayne was asked how he would raise his kids now and his response went something like this:
Love them! Let them know they are loved no matter what. It is not dependant on their success or achievements or performance.
When disciplining them, do it but don’t withhold love. Discipline is important and vital to their training, but it can be a reflection of how God disciplines us.
Give them the opportunity and space to make decisions.
Teach them to be in the world but not of it; that the world requires you to work hard and be successful, but you can still escape into the safety of God’s love.
I thought it was appropriate. We have no idea how this is going to change us or affect us. All we can do is reflect the love we have for each other and that we have experienced. More than that, we're just enjoying the ride!
What I've learnt so far: People, best intentions aside, can be really stupid!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
She wears prada ...
But the big news is that L is now sporting a fashionable bump - and I LOVE it! And bump goes everywhere with us. I can image Wombie snuggled up in amniotic fluid having a whale of a time, while L teachers, and reads and talks. It's such a strange concept: this incredible life growing inside of her in this amazingly perfect, little bag.
Everything Wombie needs is right there. And this got me thinking: Will I be able to provide enough after this perfect, growing environment? I don't know. But I watch L and she seems to effortlessly cope with all the changes. The new bump. The frequent tears and more frequent trips to the bathroom. The tiredness on exceptionally hot days. The moods.
The list goes on and on... needless to say, if this is anything to go on, I'm sure Wombie will lack for nothing.
What I've learnt so far: I'm 32 years old this weekend, and don't feel that old. Impressive!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
The most expense picture
Doctor #1 conversation:
Me: Hi, I was wondering if my pregnant wife could get a scan to see if the baby's a boy or girl?
Them: How far along is she? --- (do you mean to the edge of sanity? pretty close!)
Me: (proudly) 17 weeks
Them: Sorry, doctor only does that scan around 24 weeks because of the possibility of making a mistake.
What??? Mistake??? It can't be that difficult. As I already observed; it's either there or it's not! So I asked the Oracle. Apparently it can be a problem, with some interesting comments:
Sometimes they can mistaken the umbilical cord for a penis. - Lucky boy!
At my u/s at 18 weeks they said boy then again at 21 weeks boy again but I am getting lucky and my dr. is giving me another u/s here in an few weeks when I get to the 3 trim. I am 25 weeks now. My Sister in law was told a boy and she had a girl but you never know. - Hehe Hehe that must suck!
Well, all that makes sense - thanks Oracle!
But now onto the fun part ... Doctor #2 Conversation
Me: Hi, I was wondering if my pregnant wife could get a scan to see if the baby's a boy or girl? (It's a good thing I don't ask for a scan for myself.)
Them: How far along is she?
Me: 17 weeks - still very proud of myself and am considering giving more details like how clever I am, and how it happened, positions, etc. Don't think they want that much detail.
Them: Okay, we'll just check with the doctor.
Me: uhem, could you tell me how much that will be. Apparently my dumbass medical aid is a bit stingy.
Them: (calmly) That'll be R640.
Me: Haha Haha
That would be the most expensive piece of art we've ever bought. Alternatively, we could see it as the most expensive peep show.
What I've learnt so far: I'm definitely in the wrong photography business. Considering becoming a scanner person - but not like the ones at the airport.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Luke, I am your ...
I am slightly concerned about the effect this may be having on little Wombie. 17 weeks seems a bit young to be exposed to light-sabers, bad grammar by Yoda and the transformation of Anakin Skywalker into infamous Darth Vader (for years considered to be Dark Vaser by me, so who am I to comment on misunderstandings). If I'm confused, what will the little mite make of all this. Here's what I (don't) understand so far:
The "chosen" one becomes a traitor;

Luke falls in love with his sister (what the heck?);
Nobody ever seems to need an education;
Everyone has really cool names;
the baddies just keep attacking;
And you are so cool if you have a light-saber and an Obi-Wan Kanobi / Yoda.
I don't know, it's all just too much for me. Concerned L's going to start considering names like Jabba Desilijic Tiure, Vima-Da-Boda, Darth Nihilus and so on. Already she's hinting at Leia (?)
On the up side, I'm so excited I could almost pee myself. We're going for a scan this week and (hold-thumbs) may be able to see whether he's a she, she's a he, or what ever it may be. Great excitement fills the house. Ouma has decided that Wombie's a girl. L's parents think it's a girl. We seem about the only ones who really don't know. And that's just fine. I just hope once we know, names will begin to become more settled in our minds.
If not, who knows, we may just have a young Yoda-Obi-Wan-Anakin-Leia in our house.
What I've learnt do far: Either he has it, or she hasn't that's all I know.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
If Wombie's a boy ....
1. "Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut" Ernest Hemingway said that and it would stand you in good stead to adhere to this piece of advice. For us the rule goes always do what you said you would - sober or drunk I don't care.
2. Find a beat! Drum it and live it! Anything else is a waste of time.
3. Bigger is not always better or faster. Remember that when you buy a car, a drink or take that job.
4. There is no replacing passion.
5. Your mom will tell you this a few times in your life, but it's worth it: Integrity is what you do when no one is watching! She's right you know.
6. Don't date unless you willing to marry her. Your uncle had this theory when we were growing up. Dating is like driving a car that's not yours. Don't screw it up!
7. I saw this and liked it:
Caption: Trust me, whatever I’m doing is not as important as you. That's cool!
8. Don't be too quick to want to leave the kid's table. You're fine just as you are!
9. Money's like rain. Some days it'll pour, and others it will dry up like the Sahara. Don't bank on it!
10. Aways have a friend. But when it comes to choosing friends, be specific, be loyal, be true. A person can be described by the friends they keep. There is nothing like a good friend, but you'll have to be one yourself.
11. Know what you believe and stand up for it. On this point, say what you have to say, then shut up. Always have a cause to fight and fight for what's right. When it comes to bullies, stand up to them. You'll only have to do it once.
12. Be quick to admit when you wrong. Apologise with sincerity, she''ll appreciate it in the long run.
13. You'll hear them say cowboys don't cry. It's a lie. You tell them to sit on a cactus and then talk to you. Your emotions are special. Be discreet with them, but don't hide them either.
14. Keep your eye on the ball. In life and in sports. Support a team, commit to them and stand by them. No booing at a game. Never! Shake the hand of your opponent - win or lose!
15. If you make a mistake, make it right and then get over it. There's no point in rehashing it. Move on!
16. Come home on your birthday. It will be an important day for your mother too!
17. Learn at least one dance move - even if it is from the movies Greace or Dirty Dancing.
17. Stand up when a girl or an adult enters the room.
18. When you speak, speak properly. No gangster language allowed. Don't shorten words or names when the original works just fine.
19. Not everything needs to be experienced to be true.
20. Reputation is built over a lifetime, but quickly lost if you not careful.
There are a thousand more lessons I hope the little one learns from us, boy or girl. I hope the important stuff doesn't get lost in translation.
What I've learnt so far: Quotes are easier to say than to live. I still know next to nothing!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
If Wombie's a girl
What lessons would I want my daughter to learn? If I could tell her something, what would it be? So here I go (all the wisdom I have could probably fit into wombie's little pinky):
1. Don't trust boy's with fast cars, drinks with pink umbrellas, or girls who chase after boys who drink drinks with pink umbrellas. None of them are for real!
2. Shit Happens. Rather fall down, break a few plates or fail a test or two, than avoid problems. You can learn so much more from mistakes and hurt, than from avoidance.
3. There is no such thing as a normal person. We are all broken, hurt and come from really messed up families. Accept it! Expect the best from everyone, and try not to get disappointed if they let you down. It'll happen just like shit!
4. Always check there's toilet paper before you close the door in the toilet. Some embarrassment can be avoided.
5. Fall in love and marry the guy who makes you laugh, treats you like a princess and is your friend. Anyone else is just a chump and you deserve better! Let him pay for dinner, give you his jacket when it's cold, and open the car door for you. Only bring home a boy who has a ring in his pocket.
6. Choose your friends carefully - they reflect who you are! Find friends you can trust. Cherish them, be faithful to them, and always defend them. Very few people understand the real value of a friend. Quality always beats quantity. (You can learn from your mom on this one).
7. Kindness and compassion are not negotiable. They cost nothing. Never let someone else's bad behaviour change your response or behaviour.
8. Make-up and jewelry might make you look pretty on the outside, but won't help what's going on on the inside. Never let it change who you are. And on that note: I believe you should only wear make up when you in your 20's and only if you going to a fancy dress party!
9. Bono, not Jesse McCartney, Lennon's okay, not Cliff Richards, Lady Gaga in secret.
10. No alcohol, sex or drugs. No! Never! Nooit(???)!
11. Life's too short not to make the effort.
12. Never cheat. Not in tests or on people.
13. Popularity fades. Don't worry about it. "Weird" is always in!
14. No tattoos unless you in a band. No piercings unless you in a band. No funky hair unless you in a band. No being in a band! No! Never! Nooit!
15. Don't be a drama queen. No one likes it.
16. Choose a team and stick with them whether they win or lose. In our house, it's the Sharks. Don't be a sore loser. Don't rub your victory in the face of others. It's just not nice.
17. Learn to cook at least one good meal.
18. If you can't carry it, you've packed too much and probably don't need it all. Only take what you need. If 10 apples are available, you can still only eat one!
19. It's not your right! You don't have the right to very much. You do however, have a choice. Use it wisely.
20. I love you the most. I might mess up, hurt you, say the wrong thing, act insensitive, not listen when I should, say "no" when I should have said"yes", but it's all just my way of saying, I love you!
Well, let's see how this one works for us!
What I've learnt so far: I actually don't know very much - so what the heck am I passing on advice for? But I saw this on another site. Hope it's true:
Advice to My Daughter (1794) Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat, Marquis de Condorcet (French Philosopher)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Is it destiny?

This photo is a part of our calendar written on the 4th March this year by L. It was when we had just started trying for a baby and were both so unsure of what lay ahead. Not sure how long it would take? A month, a year, who knew if it would happen at all? All we had was love - a constant theme in our lives. We love each other and we love God. Apart from that we had nothing. So we embarked on this process of love.
I saw this the other day and was amazed. Some would call it destiny or fate or irony. I think it's God's sense of humour. We plan and plot everything and think we are so in control. But when it came to having a baby, we were out of depth. All we could do was stay in love and wait.
We we didn't have to wait too long. God blessed us again and baby is due on ... the 4th /5th March 2010.
What I'e learnt so far: “I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but almost always end up where I need to be.” Douglas Adams
Friday, September 4, 2009
Curly Sue
What is the chance that Wombie will escape curly hair?
Not great!
What if this somehow, via that psychological mishap that all parents are doomed to screw up their kids, I pass on these issues to Wombie? That's just not cool. But here's the real kicker: I am already in love with this growing invader. There doesn't seem to be much that can change that. I may be wrong, but that's how I feel now. So here's my list (bald and all): I want to be:
1. The best lover, husband, friend of L;
2. A picture of real love to Wombie - a safe place to run.
Well that's about it. I might have curly hair, and I may be bald for now. I have self-confidence issues, fear of failure issues, God-issues, and many more. But I'm learning that love is what makes it all okay. L shows me that daily. Maybe a piece of that love will help Wombie grow into who God made him/her to be. That would be the best.
What I've learnt so far: Being sick sucks! But it sure helps knowing it'll pass with a few drugs.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Best quotes on Fatherhood
2. "My mother protected me from the world, and my father threatened me with it." —Quentin Crisp
3. "My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, 'You're tearing up the grass.' 'We're not raising grass,' Dad would reply. 'We're raising boys.' " —Harmon Killebrew
4. "You don't put kids under surveillance: It might frighten you. Parents should sit tall in the saddle and look upon their troops with a noble and benevolent and extremely nearsighted gaze." —Garrison Keillor
5. "A man that doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man." —Marlon Brando as Don Corleone in The Godfather
6. "When I was a boy of 14 my father was so ignorant that I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in only 7 years." —Mark Twain
Taken from Mens Health (and no I don't read the magazine - I linked there from Dudes-to-Dad)
As promised
Thursday, August 27, 2009
So here I sit
Now let me be honest ... I am a little buzzed - a couple of OBS inside me! But still nothing can take away what I saw today:
2 x legs
2 x arms
2 x brain hemispheres
1 x the cutest little tummy
and that amazing sound of melody - again!
So much has changed in such a short space of time. So much growth seems to be happening all too quickly, but still not fast enough.
This awesome life is growing all by itself and already wombie seems to know more about what's going on than I do. I mean, how is it possible? I have 30+ years on this little one, and yet he seems to be getting the upper-hand; always knowing how to surprise me. I stand in awe!!!
When we speak of miracles, I always imagine like the really big things - the T.V inspired sort of miracles. But what I saw today transpires everything I have ever witnessed before. The grace and natural ease at which this little wombie is making its mark, makes me feel incredible small. I begin to doubt every piece of "profundity" (yes it must be a word) I have ever proclaimed before. This little miracle is making its mark on our hearts already. In just a few weeks. What will a lifetime hold?
What I have learnt so far: That I still have so much more to learn but love is an awesome feeling!
p.s. pictures of the scan will follow soon - when the time is closer to when I can actually function and the alcohol hasn't dulled all my senses. Sleep well my babes!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
And we will call you ...
"I think you should call the baby wombie - it's a gender neutral name and also fitting for the in utero carryover to oxygen breathing little one :) Or, at the very least, we should be aunt and uncle wombie." Thanks aunt wombie!
Now that that's decided all we have to do is at some point find a real name. I can imagine little diaper child running around the garden and L screaming after it "Wombie you listen to me and get your wombat little backside in here right now. WOMMMMMBBBBIIIIEEEEE!" The neighbours will love us. It can add to the joy I'm sure they get when I can't find the dog and go shouting around the yard "BOO! COME HERE, BOO!" Lovely.
Anyway, Telkom has finished striking, Julius Malema hasn't said anything stupid in a while, spring is almost here, and this week we go for another scan. 12/13 weeks! I can't believe it!
L's doing well; still nauseous and sore sometimes. The moods aren't too bad - and anyway, I feel partly to blame for her suffering!
What I've learnt so far: 9 months doesn't seem that long anymore - and I can't wait!
p.s. I still forget how old Wombie is! Gotta learn to count soon!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The problem is due to ...

I apologise and will be back soon!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The sounds of melody

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Am I pregnant???
Q: Have you missed your period? Well it does tend to happen. But that could be that I don't want to actually see a particular class on a day - convenient missed period! YES!
Q: Are your breasts sore? Not really, but maybe a but tender. Let's just answer no! It happens in winter.
Q: Are you more sleepy than usual? Yes, but that could be that I actually have to work.
Q: Are you feeling moody? According to L, much more moody.
Q: Do you have an increase in cervical discharge? A WHAT! I hope not!
Q: Have you missed more than one period? Dude, we've answered this already (see question 1). I'm sorry! I'll try to be on time in the future! What the heck, let it go!! YES!
Q: Do you feel movement in your lower abdomen? Yes, especially after eating pizza
Q: Are you having weird food cravings? Interesting question - define wierd. I now crave olives and pasta ... hmmm.... and burgers and pies and steak and .... hmmmm...
Q: Are you having more frequent headaches? I teach maths to 42 thirteen-year old, what do you think?
Q: Have you had any bloating? No, but I do float a bit more in the bath. Does that count?
Q: Have you outgrown your clothes? I find that my shirts don't fit so well around my midriff, but I just blame the clothing companies for making the sizes smaller.
Q: Have you had a positive pregnancy test? Yes, the one L peed on before she told me which side to hold (not my finest moment).
You answered 7 items out of 12 Yes.
Your score is 60%. You're probably pregnant, see your doctor or midwife!
It is very strange how, even though I'm not going through all the physical changes (thank goodness I don't get the morning sickness), the emotional changes have been awesome. I keep having to remind myself that this is really happening, baby! Yeah!!!
What I've learnt so far: Being a guy rocks (something I won't tell L when she's 8 months pregnant in the middle of summer) and then rolls every day as fear and hope collide!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Say cheese
I walked into the doctor's office with one thought: get the scan done so my poor wife can have a pee break. But, oh no, he wanted to chat. Not just about the pregnancy, but about our holiday plans, and how he would go on holiday there as a kid, and .... it seemed like her misery would never end.
Finally, we went through to have the scan. My heart must have thought I was running a marathon because it started pounding away. Not too sure what I expected or wanted to see ... but all of a sudden this incredible peace just settled over me and I knew it would be okay.
Doctor, interesting as ever, showed us the bladder -which by now I thought was just going to pop though L's eyes, and then all around and up and down and blah blah blah. Eventually he found where the little rascal should be ... and there it was ...
Not what I really expected!!! I still lose what should be there from time to time, but I know somethings there. We have another two weeks to go before we get to have another scan - so this first picture of b-2-b (baby-to-be) will just have to do! Not the prettiest, but hey he's only been going for a few weeks. L says he looks like me, I dunno, probably just because he's bald!
Something has changed for us since having this scan. It's like it has all become a lot more real and settled in our hearts. We're talking about it more, planning with more certainty, and open to discussions. It feels good!
What I've learnt so far: Things progress at their own pace! I cannot speed it up or slow it down. So patience is definitely being learnt!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A little whisky please, love
It was a good, satisfying feeling, like I was growing up. But today we watched "Jaws for the parents-to-be", otherwise known as National Geographic's In the Womb
I must say that it was a fascinating exploration of the growth of a baby from conception to birth ... but I was left with the uncomfortable feeling of wanting to fast-forward the whole process; like, "let's just skip all the building stuff and get to the holding, cuddling, sleepless nights part!" And to top it off some of the babies just looked like aliens which made me even more anxious. What if our baby is ugly?
Towards the end, the most unbelievable thing happened - the baby was born. And I don't mean unbelievable, in that it was amazing, I mean unbelievable in like "Holy crap! What the hell was that!!!" I couldn't believe they actually showed the baby being born. What parent-to-be wants to see that? The only effect I see it having is us wanting to push the baby right back up there and let it bake for another, I don't know, let's just say 50 to 60 years! And I could see L was affected too. We had to watch a bit of Malcolm in the Middle (yeah the one about the screwed up kids) just to get her mind back on track.
I guess the overall effect was still one of awe. It certainly brought me back to reality. And, while I still want to fast-forward the whole process, I'm now a little more grateful for the next couple of months and the opportunity to get ready - like really ready mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually - you name it, I need it!
What I learnt so far: Babies being made is one &*!£ experience! All the best my love!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Creative-Type Dad: What To REALLY Expect When You're Expecting: My Advice To A New Dad
Creative-Type Dad: What To REALLY Expect When You're Expecting: My Advice To A New Dad
Great advice!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Just a thought
This is an interesting quote I just stumbled onto and it got me thinking. I want to be the most important person in the life of my wife and child (to-be). But, if we raise our children in the way we were raised, then it stands to reason that I would be the one "giving advice, solutions (and) cures". It is our very nature and purpose, especially as guys. If L (your mother) gets hurt, my response is instinctively to protect and "fix".
But I know I have experienced this kind of friendship! I know L has loved me this way and so I know it is possible. I want to be this for you; offering a warm and tender hand if you ever get hurt!
Thought for today: I'm completely out of my depth - but loving it!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The beginning continues ...
The reality that he/she is on their way is beginning to set in. I find myself day-dreaming about the most bizarre things. What if her head is too big for her body? What if I don't know what to do with her when she arrives and land up forgetting her on the roof of the car? What if Boo (the dog we love to hate) doesn't like her? What if I suck at this? What if ...
But at the moment, while I sit and type this, I'm really scared he/she doesn't make it. The term used is "we might lose him ..." What's with that? I lose money and car keys and my cellphone! But there it is, I'm scared we might lose him. And so, both L and I stalk around the topic, and try not to get too excited, and all the while I think we just want to shout it from the roof-tops. To say "To hell with all of it! We're having a baby." But we can't, you see. We might lose him!
Please understand that it's the most frightening prospect of this whole experience. We really want a baby! And in the middle of it all, I know that the fear that sits in the pit of my stomach, is real love. Love for L - I don't want to see her get hurt! Love for the child-to-be! Love for a God who decided this experience, with us together, would be the best for all. He loves us that much and he knows every feeling and emotion we are experiencing and all I hear him saying is "Everything's gonna be alright, rockabye." (Shaun Mullins - but I think He likes it too).
I got a picture of the baby from the net ... it's not too pretty, but I'm sure he'll fill out soon enough -
See, I told you it wasn't pretty. Tomorrow L and I have been married for 5 years and I still consider myself the luckiest guy! She loves me so much and I love her just the same - what more could I want in life! So we're going away for the night and who knows, there could be a little brother/sister soon. Oh wait, maybe that's not possible right now! Oh well, let's see, shall we.
What I learnt this week:
Fear's normal. Being afraid is what makes us feel and makes us human! But love ... Well love just about conquers all!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
In the beginning ...
Thursday, 25th June 2009 (at about 4pm)
I was working my backside off marking geometry papers (and to tell you the truth not enjoying it all that much) when your mom comes through and says to me "Do you want some good news?" We laughed and kissed and laughed some more! She was glowing and so beautiful. We've been waiting for this very moment, and when we heard you were on your way, it was such a shock! Ahhh .. but a great shock it was.

Friday, 26th June 2009 (about 3am)
Your mom got up and took another pregnancy test - just to be sure! And there it was, another line showing you were on your way! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh Boy!!! - it's okay if you a girl! I don't mind! I had to go through the whole day bouncing on the inside and not telling anyone. Standing in line at the bank, all I wanted to do was shout it out to the others. Afraid they might take me away in a straight-jacket, so I won't risk it just yet!
It's official - mom's definitely carrying you and we're going to have a baby! The blood work came back and says mom's positive - which is a good thing! Right now, you're only a little tadpole, but I kow you'll grow big and strong and change our lives forever.
The funny thing is ... I don't really know what to feel! It comes in these waves of sheer excitement and then overwhelming fear. I guess that's good, because this is the best trip I've ever been on!
What I've learnt so far: You're already 4 weeks old (today) - so HAPPY BIRTHDAY! See you in 8 months time!